Friday, June 29, 2012

Florida or Bust...and I Busted

I have been so busy (and recovering) since I've been back but a couple weeks ago I went to visit one of my favorite people in the entire little Meg! My little sister is in Ft. Myers, FL, going to school and I went down for a weekend of fun, food, drinks, beach and relaxing. We had a great time minus a little accident. Meg, love you so much and miss you lots and lots!

I got off the plane, we did a little Insanity and then we got down to business...lunch and wine! 

Meg "confused" by the bathrooms at The Edison

Meg on her way to work...very early! 

Our annual sushi dinner at Daruma...yum! 

on our way to the beach...when the bike was still my friend

stopping at 7-11...last stop before the beach! 

thunderstorm=lunch at Nemo's

on our way home...

and then the accident...this is the feet half of the injuries moments after

that's my thigh

It was all worth it to spend a few days with little Meg.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Laugh Break...

Wasting time at work is always fun but when my editor showed me these viral videos, we took it to a whole new level. I thought I would share...